I'm Sergey Zwezdin.
I live in Saint-Petersburg and build cool products.
First time I touched a computer when I was 9 years old. At that time it was kind of magic where you can type commands to make the things happen.
Once I spend some time using it, I realized that there are wide field where computer could be useful to people. So, I decided to be a programmer althrough nobody knew how to get paid being programmer.
Moving forward, all time when I was engaged in different kinds of projects to get experienced and feel the IT-industry. I love the fact that IT changes fast, but drawback is that you have to learn every day and every hour.
After graduating the University, I started making money being software developer. My perception of software developer following the principle that developer should be able to complete and deliver the product by himself from planning to deployment. That means such developer should have skills like management, self-motivation, programming, testing and make things happen to setup environment where the application live.
That is what I actually do. I can deliver software product from scratch - from planning to real working solution. And I really love what I do.